Saturday, January 28, 2017

BlackBerry and Nokia Phones Are Coming Back - With a Twist



We all know that Nokia and BlackBerry was big giant once upon a time but they returning back for their fans.Black berry mobile announced this week that a new phone complete with physical keyboard and blended with Mercury will debut on Feb 25 at the annual MWC event.also Nokia try to hit hammer on nail means Nokia is fully prepared with it's their will be clash of titans between two come backers.Nokia is releasing it's Nokia 6 phone at MWC event.
 The company you know as BlackBerry-Canadian,security-conscious is focusing it's efforts on software to augment smartphones and its auto effots via QNX-a partof the firm that makes smartdashboard software and has its own self-driving car prototype. while BlackBerry designed the Mercury in-house,it and all other BlackBerry phones will be made and sold by chinese tech giant TCL.

 and Nokia on the other hand is no longer the company that rose to prominence with its old feature phones,through it still makes equipment and other consumer gadget.but since Microsoft sold Nokia off,the rights to make Nokia-branded phones belong to HMD another Chinese tech company.
     both company will try to make big impression because they coming back after long period of time.the market is largely dominated by Apple and Samsung.but customer want something new so it's a big chance for both giant to prove them that they are best than others.
    But don’t expect exactly the same experience that you had before. Both phones also represent a capitulation of sorts to Google. BlackBerry and Nokia held out for a while using non-Android operating systems for years. (Nokia and BlackBerry each had their own systems for a while. Nokia also moved to Windows Phone while it was owned by Microsoft.) Both failed, in part because they couldn’t keep up with the app selection from Apple and Google, as most developers were only interested in making programs for those two platforms. With both phones now using Android, that won’t be an issue anymore.
Of course, consumers will have to hear more details about these phones before we can judge whether either comeback will work. The success or failure of a phone depends more on its features, price and value than on whether it gives you warm fuzzies by reminding you of tech days gone by. But if you’re looking to rock a little retro this year, this could be one way to do it.
